Over 100% of all Donations go directly to Projects.

Thank you for your continued Support

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Give Donation.

Be touched and help us be part of the people in need. This will enable the get the basics Food & Water, Shelter, Health & Education.

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Become a Volunteer.

Willingly be part of this family to make a change by helping the people in need in all areas. Age, gender or ethenicity is not limited. All are welcomed

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Help the Children.

You can help the children in any way: Sponsoring them, talking to them and showing them love, filling the gap of the people they miss in their lives etc...

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Our mission is to help people by distributing Money and Service globally.

Total Volunteers

Meals Served

Got Shelter

Children Helped

Help the Homeless & Hungry People.

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Our Charity Projects

If you want to work with Al-amoody Charitable Foundation (ACF)? Send your Details.

ACF is a free, independent and free-willed institution. It does not serve any community or group. Our institution was established by volunteers to help those in need. If you want, you can visit our center and join our volunteers. Our door is open to volunteers of all faiths, genders, ages and views..

Contact Us

Our Mission and Goals

Homeless Charities.

We strive to make sure the orphans, destitutes & homeless have a place to call home and be happy.

Education Charities.

Education ia a basic need in the society so we work hard o make sure this need is available and affordable to everyone.

Health Charities.

Health is core in life. We also work hard to raise a healthy nation through medical facilitation and hygiene

Islamic Education.

We are in need of Jazuu, Mushafs & Qurans to donate to children in need. We are also doing Masjid painting & cleaning

Food Charities.

Healthy people is a healthy nation. We donate food stuffs & Water to the hungry to put a smiles in their faces and make them feel they're part of everyone

Eco Charities.

We also engauge in community services in maintaining a healthy environment by planting trees and providing education on environmental conservation to the community.
