About Us

A little About Us

Welcome to Al-amoody Charitable Foundation

We are working to make the unsmiling faces smile, to remember the forgotten, to make the difficult easier. With our high field experience, knowledge and experience, we are cureently only in Kenya. In this age when the needy is turned away, seeing the countless troubles of humanity; We are a team of volunteers who believe that these problems are their own problem, who want to produce permanent solutions to end all these problems.

In this age when the needy is turned away, seeing the countless troubles of humanity; We are a team of volunteers who believe that these problems are our problems too, therefor, we are all in this to solve it.

"Over 5 Years of Accomplishments”

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Facts AboutAl-amoody Charitable Foundation

A lot of work goes down at the grass root level in villages in the remotest corners as well as the most streets in the country, with aid of schools and government bodies. We need your contributions to keep the good work going on.



To help the poor to raise their head and face the future with pride

Al-amoody Charitable Foundation is a free, independent and free-willed institution. It does not serve any community or group. Our institution was established by volunteers to help those in need. If you want, you can visit our center and join our volunteers. Our door is open to volunteers of all faiths, genders, ages and views.

Service to God, Service to People.

Mission of “unwanted people”